
Feel stronger and more confident with strategies to maintain mental health and wellbeing.  Choose what focus on and control how you respond to the situation.  Feel empowered to ask for help and receive help and to support those around you.  

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Below you will find simple tips and hints to help you move from the RED Zone to the Green Zone (or stay in the Green Zone and expand your skills and strategies). We encourage you to download the HOPE initiative workbook and begin your journey of rediscovering yourself with the Empower section.

If you feel you need more support than what is provided in the HOPE Initiative workbook, please reach out to us here at Lilley Place.  Whatever difficulties you are struggling with, there is HOPE. Lilley Place’s HOPE Initiative  can change lives. In fact, it can save lives.

If you need help today, please do speak to one of the team on 07 3378 9130 or email us [email protected]


Everyone deserves to feel better